Your health starts from the inside outInvest in Your Health. Invest in Yourself.
An investment in your health is one of the best decisions you can make. Your health begins at the cellular level and when you make a decision to care for your whole body through proper diet and nutrition, you are developing the best possible foundation for years to come. Feel better, look better, and live better – it’s an investment that truly pays.
Initial Consult
The initial consultation includes a review of your medical history, supplements, and medications. We will also discuss your concerns and any current medical issues. Please allow for 1.5 hours for the initial consultation.
Once we have a good picture of who you are and what is happening inside of your body, we will develop a protocol that suits your needs.
Live Blood Analysis
A small sample of blood is taken for Live Blood Analysis, which we will then review together and discuss any issues the analysis reveals.
Follow-Up Appointments
Follow ups typically require an hour. This time is spent doing another live Blood analysis to see how you are responding to your initial protocol and any adjustments that may be required.

Please contact us for more information on services and pricing.
Appointment cancellations must be made at least 8 hours in advance so that others may fill your spot.
Prices do not include GST