(250) 801-2798 shannon@healthisbliss.ca

Good morning world! What shall we create today?!

It’s another early morning start for me. I woke up wondering what I had on today and thinking it was time to get back to writing.

The last 6+ weeks have been busy; Alan’s parents came over from Scotland for 5 wonderful but crazy weeks. I’m not sure what Alan and I were thinking… No sooner had his parents arrived, when we find a property in Peachland that we see potential in. So we put an offer in and list our home… Were we nuts??? Yes, I think so!

If you haven’t moved in a while, think back to all that craziness of making the house ready for showings. Tidying every corner, putting away the clutter, finishing those leftover projects, etc… Our house was never a crazy mess but like most homes the odd pile of paper collected on the counter, reading materials needed putting away, shoes under the coffee table (and they weren’t mine), gardening tools to put back… Sound familiar?

Then there’s showings! All your personal items have to be hidden, sinks polished, floors vacuumed and washed, dog toys away, and then you have to clear out too. That means two trips for us; one to take Lily, our Great Dane, to my son’s house, then we have to find something for us to do… All when we’re meant to be relaxing and enjoying our company who have come all the way from Scotland. Alan’s parents were troopers during their stay and so helpful… Not sure I ever wanted them to see that stressed-out, nutty side of me.

So here we are, the day before the last condition is to be taken off the Peachland property and our house is not sold, nor does it have any firm offers on it… Looks like we’ll be postponing our move. As disappointed as we are, I think we’ll start looking again in the spring and enjoy the little oasis we created here for the time being. Maybe even stay long enough to be part of a Kelowna garden show, as my talented young friend suggested for next year.

Our lives are typically busy with work and family… And of course Alan is still fighting this horrendous disease.

If you’ve been following us and waiting for an update then you’ll be happy to know he’s making steady progress… YAY!

It seems his doctors are amazed at his response to the treatment they are providing and are in awe that he’s working full time, his weight is coming back as he’s eating like a horse, and he’s back paddling. He really looks good.

It looks like I’ll have some free time on my hands as things calm slightly in the fall… It’s time to start creating again.

So what am I planning?

A new course to add to my online courses. It’s always about helping!

This one focuses on how to help our family and friends recover from disease… I’m sure you’re not surprised.

Here’s s few things it will cover:

  • What  foods are the best for recovery and what to avoid
  • How to boost your immune system with foods and nutrients
  • Real food recipes
  • What’s not working… A need for change (is it foods, lack of detoxification, not dealing with a symptom, stress, a mutated gene?)

I’m pretty excited about this as it’s been in my thoughts for too many years and it’s definitelytime to share.

I’ll keep you posted as to its release date.

Off to do a workout – sweat to detox and put stress where it belongs… Behind me!

Chat soon,
